Five Minute Friday: Relief


Linking up with Kate Motaung for Five Minute Friday.  If you would like to join in or learn more about it, click on the icon to the left.  Write for 5 minutes, here we go.




Life is determined by breath…the breathing in and breathing out.  We take anywhere from 17,000 – 30,000 involuntary breaths each day.  But it is in the conscious sighs of relief where we truly live and can feel the most alive.

It is the sigh of relief when the car finally pulls into the driveway, and you know that your teen has made it home safely

It is the sigh of relief when the blood test, mammogram, or biopsy results come back negative.

It is the sigh of relief when you find you’ve passed the test that opens the path to your career.

It is the sigh of relief in the morning after that first sip of warm coffee passes your lips and gives you the little jolt you need to face another day.

It is the sigh of relief when at the end of a long day, the house is quiet, and everyone is asleep, and you have a moment to yourself.

It is the sigh of relief when you stand on the beach, the warm breeze messing up your hair, with your toes buried in the cool sand as you watch the sun set and know you CAN take this moment to slow down and just enjoy it.  (and yes…your life and everyone in it will still be there when you get back 😉 )

It is the sigh of relief knowing that your five minutes are up and you can stop writing. *sigh* 🙂



7 thoughts on “Five Minute Friday: Relief

  1. Love your post – always love your sense of humour when it shines through – (the last line – I think all us FMF-ers have felt like that at one point!) – have a lovely weekend filled with lots of sighs of relief!

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